How to Treat Chapped Lips with Vaseline

Hi all,

Excited to share with you a new article today, and we are talking about chapped lips. Chapped lips refer to dry, cracked or sore lips that usually happen during the winter season and cold weather, but can also happen year-round. And that is what happens to me: Though I suffer from chapped lips year-round, it gets particularly bad during the winter season in NYC. So one thing I carry with me everywhere I go now is a little stick of Vaseline Lip Therapy so I’ve partnered with them to share my experience with you.  


How to treat chapped lips

We all want our lips to be healthy and hydrated for any finished make up look. You can apply all the make up in the world, but if your lips are chapped and dry, you’ll fall short on the impression you wanted to make. Because let’s face it: nobody likes cracked lips. But if you live in the north, or in colder weather, you know there’s no escaping it. And for some of us, we can even get cracked lips in warmer temperatures. So you have to have the right product to fight it and I’ve been using the Vaseline Lip Therapy with great results. Though available in 4 different variations, I normally stick with the Original and Aloe Vera versions and these are available at Walmart.


The Perfect Stocking Stuffer

Stocking Stuffers are meant to be simple, small items that will bring some sort of joy to the recipient, right? A stick of Vaseline lip Therapy is an excellent example of that as it’s something that will see the gift-receiver and stocking owner use on a daily basis, and they’ll remember you for saving their lips this winter season!

To celebrate the season, Vaseline provided me -and you - some super fun Christmas tree ornament for you to DIY! That’s right:  a great and fun activity for you to do with your family and the files and steps to do so are available here!

Wishing you a season free of chapped lips!

