christie ferrari

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4 Tips to help YOU survive the newborn stage & Fourth Trimester!

Hi all,

The last few weeks have felt like a blur and I can’t believe we are now approaching 4 months and are essentially out of the newborn stage with Beau. But these last few weeks have also helped me quite a bit in realizing I’m not perfect, and I, like all moms, do the best I can. So Here are some helpful tips for the new moms from a working full time & stay at home mom of 2:

Forgetfulness & Lists:

Whether it’s because of the hormones, never ending to do list, or lack of sleep I have been so forgetful. To combat that, lists have become my best friend. I prefer to have these lists around the house, as opposed to just on my phone because the visual piece of paper 📝 or memo board acts as another reminder. There will always be more to-dos to do so give yourself some grace and only focus on those must to-do’s during this period.

Getting ready is possible!

It’s totally okay if getting dressed isn’t a priority but for those that think there’s no time. Here’s how I do it:

I shower first thing in the morning. There’s a 15 minute window that Beau is just content playing from waking up & that’s when I squeeze it in.

After that I’ll let my hair air dry a bit while I get breakfast ready and once Oliver, our 2-year-old is off to school I’ll go back to getting ready.

When breastfeeding I’ll have him on his nursing pillow & then apply makeup when doing so. Once he’s down for his first nap I’ll finish my hair. I get ready over a longer period of time instead of just all together in one hour.

To get anything non-baby done:

Soaking up all the newborn cuddles is so important during this phase for bonding. But after some time and weeks, the itch to do more comes. This is how I do it: I use a baby carrier and wear Beau if he wants to be carried. We also love our baby bouncer and floor play mat so I can pick up quickly or do whatever I needed to do and keep him happy.

Having Sick day essentials

No one plans on getting sick especially not a newborn! So having the following is key when baby get sick so you don’t need to run out the door and get it.


-Snot sucker

-Saline Spray

-Nose & Mouth Bulb

-Ask for help!

We can’t do it all. So ask for it even when you think you’ve got it covered!


Dr. C