Baby and Toddler Travel Must-Haves and Tips!

Hi all,

Thank you as always for stopping by and today we’re talking about family vacations. So you’re embarking on your first family vacation with baby/toddler. The list of what to bring and buy can be quite daunting but I’ve done the homework for you so here’s what I found. I should mention of course that everyone is going to be different, right? Some people might put more importance on one thing and spend more, while others will see it differently. The goal of this list is to give you options for you make decisions. If you have a travel must-have that is not listed here, please comment below or reach out via Instagram! Don’t forget to check out other tips and ideas for your baby or toddler too!

General Family Travel Tips

During preboard, it’s important to have one parent get seats ready and put away carry on’s while the other keeps the child or children entertained. If able to do this outside of the plane, even better. The reason for this is so that the child/children can still be running around and only have to sit still for 15 minutes before plane starts moving, as opposed to 45 minutes.

Don’t forget you can wheel your child to the gate in their stroller and you can give it away right then and there.

Snacks, snacks, snacks! Bring snacks and have them chewing on something during take off and landing to avoid ears popping or hurting.

Toys, toys, toys! Bring toys and rotate them one at a time. If you give them all the toys at once, they’ll get bored of them quickly. Also do this by the way at restaurants.

Download their favorite movies to TV episodes to the tablet because wifi may be spotty.

Plan to fly around nap time if at all possible - or sleep time, too!

Choose that window seat. Sitting by the window not only can keep them entertain by watching what’s below, but also keeps them away from the aisle and them wanting to run around.

Germs, germs, germs! Bring lysol wipes with you everywhere!

Extra outfits! You never know what can happen on a plane, so have an extra outfit and diapers, of course, just in case!

What to bring for first family vacation

Below, I’m going to link everything we got and use. As mentioned above, everyone is going to have different needs and it also depends on the age of your child and what they like as well. The list below will include car seats if you’re renting a car, strollers, pack and plays and more! Don’t forget to check out some of my recent baby posts as well for tips and other must-haves!

Shop baby and toddler travel must-haves