4 Fall Shoe Trends with Naomi Boyer

Hi all,

Super excited today to bring you a new post and video where my friend Naomi Boyer and I talk 4 fall shoe trends you need to get behind! We each chose 2 styles of boots that we’re into and style them and discuss them at length. So let’s jump right in and talk shoe fall trends!

Fall Shoe Trends

The four shoe trends we picked were white, snakeskin, squared-toe and combat boots and shoes and with each one, we style them and talk a bit about why YOU should consider joining in on this trend.

White Boots

There are no rules in fashion, as Naomi says, and she says why put the white boots away this Fall season? They offer a great pop of color, in particular if you’re wearing darker colors for Fall. But some pastels are being seen this Fall too: like pistachio green, blushes and lavender which are all big for Fall, and they pair great with white boots! Treat the white boots as a neutral color and have fun!



Animal print is always a big trend every Fall, and snakeskin is very hot right now! You know you’ve seen me wearing cow print recently, but Naomi chose Snakeskin boots - a great option for Fall. They excel at being the featured piece of a look that is more monochrome in nature and are cute all-around!

Combat Boots

Combat boots like this one, or this one, or this one are a great classic shoe to either get a cheaper version of, or invest in because they come back year after year. They’re edgier in nature, but are also very comfortable as most, or many at least, are either flat or feature a small heel. Many even feature higher heels, but are blocky in nature, so they are still comfortable!


The combat boots can also be great at increasing your confidence. Because they’re normally associated with a “cool” factor, if you truly, deep inside believe that when someone wears combat boots, they look cooler, then you’ll feel cooler as well when you wear them!


We arrive then to the final, and perhaps trendier of the styles: the squared-toe. These have been seen EVERYWHERE on the runways, and will also feature heavily this upcoming Spring/Summer season. They come in a variety of styles: open-toe, boots, heels, etc, which make for a plethora of options to choose from, both from an investment perspective, or an affordable one.

Squared-Toe shoes are for those people that like to be a bit different, but definitely not stand out too much - after all, the design feature is rather subtle.

So let us know which one is YOUR favorite in the comments below and don’t forget to check out the video and shop below!

