Got FOMO? How To Beat Post-Vacation Blues

Hi all!

As I write this, summer is in full swing and we just celebrated Independence Day here in the US. This means that most of us are coming back to work after a fun vacation from the long holiday weekend. But, coming back to work and a normal routine can be difficult to adjust to, particularly when we’re wishing we were still on vacation after seeing some incredible travel pictures from one of our friends or family members.  

Today, we are talking about ways to adjust back to a normal routine and how to beat FOMO.

Helpful Strategies To Beat Post-Vacation Blues & FOMO

1. Be Appreciative.

It is so much easier to focus on what we don’t have instead of what we do have. So whether it be your health, an amazing best friend, an incredible spouse, a dream job, or even that lust worthy vacation you just went on, don’t forget to count your blessings because it is very likely that someone around you is wishing they had the opportunity to experience some of the things you have.  

Each day, name 3 things you’re grateful for to help this become more automatic for you.

2. Sleep.

I can’t emphasize enough how getting enough is sleep is (stay tuned for an upcoming post about sleep). Sleep greatly impacts your productivity, energy, and overall mood the next day. So if you’ve just recently traveled to another time zone or had been staying up later, make sure to be getting enough sleep and that you’re slowly adjusting back to your old bedtime for optimal mood, energy, and productivity at work and school or when socializing the next day.  

3. Pay Attention To Your Thoughts.

If you recall from prior posts, thoughts greatly impact your emotions and behaviors. So don’t expect to be your happiest when you just thought that your life would be better if you were on vacation and didn’t even realize the thought come across your mind. Learn how to become mindful of thoughts here

If you’re able to catch these unhelpful thoughts, try playing detective and practice questioning the thought (i.e., is this really 100% true?) and then replace with a more helpful statement (i.e., I’m so lucky to have just come back from a great vacation). And if you’re having difficulty coming up with something more helpful, try asking yourself what you would tell a friend if they just said a similar thing to you.

4. Stop Comparing Your Life To Others.

You may recall from a prior post that the only good in comparing yourself to someone else, is when you’re using that to help motivate you to achieve a specific goal. Instead focus on how you can be your happiest.

5. Make Weekdays Exciting.

Most of us tend to reserve fun activities for the weekend. How about instead plan fun outings or meals during the weekday. This will also help you be more mindful and present during the week instead of dreaming about the weekend.

-Try going to dinner or lunch with friends.

-Go to the movies.

-Try and cook a new recipe at home.

-Order take out from a favorite restaurant.

-Go shopping after work.

6. Plan Your Next Vacation.

No harm in already looking forward to another vacation when you’re balancing thinking about the future while also being very present in your life during the week and weekend.  

7. Strategies Still Not Working?

If you're still unhappy after consistently practicing these strategies. Try reassessing your life.  Visualize what would make you happier and then ask yourself how realistic it is and what steps are necessary and needed for you to get to that. This post on goal setting can help you out. But it may also be a good time to seek out help from a licensed psychologist that focuses on cognitive behavioral therapy for more assistance.

As always, thank you for reading and tell me: What helps you beat FOMO or post-vacation blues? Let me know in the comments below! 

Dr. C

Disclaimer: Information being provided on this page is general in nature and is not intended to replace or serve as therapy. Should you be experiencing emotional distress or difficulties at school, work, or with relationships, it is encouraged that you contact your insurance health provider to locate a mental health professional in your area. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing thoughts of harming yourself or others at your nearest emergency room.