christie ferrari

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Pots and Planters with a Mediterranean Feel For your Backyard

Hi all,

Wanted to share with you all some of my findings when it comes to pots for my backyard! If you’ve followed my house reno on Instagram, you’ll see we re-did some interior parts and I’m in the process of re-doing the backyard, which when I arrived was screened-in, bricked disaster! One of the items I was looking for for a long time were a pair of pots that would be the backyard a more Mediterranean feel, considering I’m down in South Florida now, I wanted to be sure deviate a bit from the tropical feel (saved that for the front yard and its landscaping).

So for the backyard, I’m in the process of re-doing the landscaping, and I already got a cute set of Olive trees but I could never find the right pot for them! It needed to be something with a Mediterranean feel and I spent a loooong time searching - I just couldn’t find the right one. So I wanted to shared with you all the options I considered after scouring the internet - I think I reached the very end of the internet, that’s how much I searched for this!

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